The Monkey Busters
First it was pigs, now it’s monkeys
3 badass grandmas have taken matter into their own hands. The Monkey Busters consists of; Masako Ishimura, 74, Tatsuko Kinoshita, 68, and Miyuki Ii, 67. These 3 women have lived in Fukui Miyama all their lives. Their team was formed to fight back against hordes of monkeys eating their crops and local produce. Ishimura’s husband told a local newspaper, “Whenever anyone from the community reports a monkey sighting, it’s usually during the day, when the women are in the middle of housework or farming. However, as soon as a sighting is reported, the Monkey Busters are immediately notified and drop everything to rush to the scene with their airguns, often arriving in their aprons as they don’t want to waste a minute in responding.”
The town even gave them the nickname “The Minute Women” due to the fact that the 3 elderly women run out in their aprons to pause their cooking to kill the monkeys. The leader, Masako Ishimura convinced her 2 best friends to purchase .17 caliber air rifles. The monkeys are nearly wiped out thanks to the efforts of the Monkey Busters.
The Monkey Busters in a local newspaper.