The Commando Kilt
The great highlands, a land with deep roots tied to their ancestors. Consisting of rolling hills, cold and stormy weather, with red stag and upland birds. Scotland is a dream hunt for many. The Scottish traditionally wear the kilt for festivals as an ode to the olden days. Looking at the kilt from technical standpoint, it is genius. The benefits consist of: ease of taking a pisser, allowing a draft of wind in for those warm August hunts, and well the most important factor; easy access in case your wife joins you on a hunt. In our modern day, a hunt in Scotland consists of knee high boots and a tweed jacket and possibly an item with plaid. No that’s not racist, nor is Scotland full of pussies crying about culture appropriation. We would like to state that there is nothing wrong with wearing a kilt. Just imagine, stepping onto the shooting range to get in a day of pistol work or sighting in your rifle, and the man next to you is wearing a kilt. In California this may seem like the new norm.
5.11 is currently running a sale on their Commando Kilt . Thankfully, every size is available for purchase… Yes, I have seen men wear kilts, at Scottish festivals or funerals. But, I personally have never seen a man at the shooting range strut to the line in one of these. With a great amount of research and hours spent scrolling through their 32 “legit reviews”. We thankfully found a review that you as the consumer can trust.
“Fits like a SKIRT should”, this review should explain everything you are getting yourself into. So for this Labor Day Weekend, honor the working man and woman. Go buy yourself a COMMANDO KILT (or don’t, this is America. Do what you want).